Cancer Chemotherapy Reviews
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Adjuvant Therapy in Resectable Gastric Cancer

July-September 2016, Volume 03, Number 3
Jorge Gallardo, Paola Montenegro, Guillermo Méndez, André M. Murad, Sebastián Solé and Manuel Alvarez
Fundación CáncerChile, Providencia, Santiago, Chile

Early detection of gastric adenocarcinomas is neither possible nor practiced around the world except, on a limited basis, in Japan. Therefore, gastric carcinoma is frequently detected late in most patients. Surgical resection in the early stages is potentially curative, with a high level of post-surgical relapse. Due to this, additional strategies with radiotherapy and neoadjuvant and adjuvant chemotherapy have been developed in order to improve the surgical results in patients with gastric carcinoma that is locally advanced and in the early stages.

Key words:
Gastric carcinoma. Adjuvant. Neoadjuvant. Treatment. Radiotherapy. Chemotherapy.
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